Prerequisite-Must have completed Semester 1-Light Leaders Academy.

 BDevine® Is an International Accredited Training Provider of Holistic Medicine & Executive practitioner Internationally!

Welcome to Semester 3 of the Light Leaders Academy, where we delve into the fascinating realms of interdimensional and astral healing. As we journey through this transformative course, we invite you to join us on a path of discovery and growth unlike any other. Together, we will explore the depths of healing beyond the physical realm, tapping into energies and dimensions that hold profound wisdom and healing potential. Join us as we unlock the mysteries of interdimensional and astral healing, expanding our consciousness and connecting with the unseen forces that shape our reality. Let us embark on this journey of spiritual evolution and healing together.Let the real journey magnify!

In the realm of holistic healing, the concept of interdimensional and astral healing has captivated the imagination of spiritual seekers and practitioners alike. These modalities go beyond traditional approaches to wellness, delving into the realms of energies and dimensions that are unseen yet deeply influential. By exploring interdimensional healing, individuals can access different planes of existence that offer unique insights and opportunities for healing. Astral healing, on the other hand, involves tapping into the astral plane, a realm of consciousness believed to exist alongside our physical reality. Together, these practices open up new avenues for personal growth and transformation.

Understanding the Depths of Healing

Interdimensional and astral healing offer a holistic approach to well-being, addressing not just the physical body but also the spiritual and energetic aspects of the self. By working with energies and dimensions beyond the physical realm, individuals can access deep levels of healing that may not be achievable through conventional methods alone. These modalities emphasize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, recognizing that true healing comes from addressing all aspects of the self. Through understanding the depths of healing offered by interdimensional and astral practices, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual evolution.

Embracing Spiritual Insights

One of the key benefits of interdimensional and astral healing is the opportunity to gain spiritual insights and expand one's consciousness. By connecting with energies and dimensions beyond the physical, individuals can deepen their understanding of their purpose and place in the universe. These practices offer a unique perspective on spiritual growth, allowing individuals to explore the mysteries of existence and connect with the unseen forces that shape our reality. Through embracing spiritual insights, individuals can move closer to alignment with their true selves and experience profound shifts in their perception of the world around them.

Opening Up to Transformation

Interdimensional and astral healing invite individuals to open up to transformation on a profound level. By working with energies and dimensions beyond the physical realm, individuals can release energetic blockages, gain clarity on emotional traumas, and shift limiting beliefs that may be holding them back. These modalities offer a pathway to personal growth and self-discovery, allowing individuals to explore new aspects of themselves and unlock their innate potential. Through opening up to transformation, individuals can experience healing on a deep and transformative level, paving the way for a more aligned and balanced life.

Importance of Interdimensional and Astral Healing

As spiritual seekers, we understand the profound importance of delving into the realms of interdimensional and astral healing. These practices offer us a unique perspective on holistic healing, allowing us to tap into energies and dimensions beyond the physical realm. By exploring these unseen forces, we can gain deeper insights into our spiritual growth and connection to the universe.

Through interdimensional and astral healing, we have the opportunity to experience energetic shifts and release blockages that may be hindering our well-being. These practices offer a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, promoting balance and harmony within ourselves. By expanding our consciousness and exploring different dimensions, we open ourselves up to transformation and personal growth.

The potential benefits of integrating interdimensional and astral healing into our lives are vast. From deepening our spiritual connection to addressing emotional traumas and negative thought patterns, these practices offer a transformative path to healing. By embracing these ancient techniques, we can unlock hidden wisdom, expand our awareness, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing unlike any other.

Potential Benefits

As we venture into the realm of interdimensional and astral healing, the potential benefits are vast and transformative. Let us explore the positive impacts that these practices can have on our spiritual growth and overall well-being.

  1. Spiritual Growth: By delving into the depths of interdimensional energies, individuals have the opportunity to deepen their spiritual connection and gain valuable insights into their purpose and existence. This journey of exploration can lead to profound personal growth and a heightened sense of awareness.
  2. Energetic Healing: Through the practice of astral healing, individuals can release energetic blockages, restore balance to their energy fields, and promote overall well-being. By working with interdimensional energies, one can tap into a powerful source of healing that goes beyond the physical realm.
  3. Expanded Consciousness: Accessing different dimensions and planes of existence opens up new perspectives and insights that can expand one's consciousness. This expanded awareness can lead to personal transformation, greater empathy, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.
  4. Emotional and Mental Healing: Interdimensional and astral healing techniques can be powerful tools for addressing emotional traumas, limiting beliefs, and negative thought patterns. By working with energies beyond the physical, individuals can find healing and release from emotional burdens that may have been holding them back.


Much Much More!


Criticisms and Skepticism

In the realm of interdimensional and astral healing, there exist criticisms and skepticism that warrant exploration. Skeptics often highlight the lack of scientific evidence supporting these unconventional healing modalities, questioning their validity and effectiveness. Without concrete empirical data to back up the claims made about interdimensional and astral healing, it becomes challenging to sway the skeptics and establish credibility in the broader scientific community.

Some critics express concerns about the potential for misinterpretation or misuse of interdimensional and astral healing practices. There is a fear that individuals may misconstrue these esoteric concepts, leading to misguided beliefs or even unintentional harm. It is crucial for practitioners and enthusiasts alike to approach these healing modalities with caution, ensuring proper understanding and application to prevent any negative repercussions.

Furthermore, interdimensional and astral healing often carries connotations of New Age philosophies and pseudoscientific associations, which draw skepticism from certain quarters. The perceived lack of scientific rigor and reliance on unconventional concepts within the New Age movement can lead skeptics to dismiss interdimensional and astral healing as unfounded or fantastical. It is essential to navigate these criticisms thoughtfully, acknowledging the historical context and contemporary perceptions that shape these perspectives.

Critics also point to the possibility of the placebo effect playing a significant role in the perceived benefits of interdimensional and astral healing. The placebo effect suggests that individuals may experience positive outcomes simply due to their belief in the efficacy of the treatment, rather than any inherent healing properties. While this raises valid questions about the true source of healing in these practices, it also underscores the complex interplay between mind, body, and spirit in the realm of alternative healing modalities.


Embracing the Journey

As we conclude our exploration of interdimensional and astral healing in Semester 3 of the Light Leaders Academy, we are reminded of the profound impact these practices can have on our spiritual growth and personal transformation. By embracing the journey into the unknown realms beyond the physical, we open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities and infinite wisdom. Through dedication and an open heart, we can continue to expand our consciousness and deepen our connection to the universal energies that guide us on our path.

Integration and Application

As we reflect on the knowledge and experiences gained in this transformative course, it becomes clear that the true power lies in integrating and applying these teachings in our daily lives. The practical applications of interdimensional and astral healing extend far beyond the classroom, allowing us to bring healing and balance to ourselves and others in a tangible way. By incorporating these techniques into our holistic wellness practices, we can amplify our impact and create lasting positive change in the world around us.

Trusting the Process

Throughout our journey of discovery and growth, it is essential to trust the process and have faith in the unseen forces that guide us. As we navigate the depths of interdimensional healing and explore the realms of astral energy, we must maintain a sense of openness and receptivity to the divine wisdom that flows through us. By surrendering to the flow of universal energy, we can access profound healing and align with our true purpose and soul's calling.

Continuing the Evolution

While our exploration of interdimensional and astral healing may come to a close with the conclusion of Semester 3, our journey of spiritual evolution is far from over. The knowledge and insights gained in this course serve as a foundation for continued growth and self-discovery. As we continue to deepen our practice and expand our understanding of the interconnectedness of all things, we pave the way for ongoing healing and transformation in our lives and the lives of those around us.

Gratitude and Connection

In closing, let us express gratitude for the opportunity to delve into the mysteries of interdimensional and astral healing together. The connections forged and the wisdom shared throughout this course have enriched our lives in ways we never thought possible. As we move forward on our individual paths, let us carry with us the light of knowledge and the power of healing that we have cultivated together. May we continue to walk in harmony with the universal energies that guide us, shining brightly as beacons of love, healing, and transformation in the world.

Exploring Interdimensional Healing

In exploring interdimensional healing, we open ourselves up to a world beyond the physical, where energies and entities exist in realms unseen. This journey takes us on a path of discovery, where we can tap into the depths of wisdom and healing that transcend our everyday reality. Through this exploration, we expand our consciousness and connect with the subtle forces that shape our existence.

Some of the key aspects we will delve into include:

  • Training on Energy and Energy vision to perceive and work with subtle energies.
  • Astral Travelling and timeline viewing, allowing us to access different dimensions of time and space.
  • Learning about the various energy fields that hold the power to transform lives and heal on a profound level.
  • Remote Viewing and Psychic Healing techniques to facilitate healing across distances.

By immersing ourselves in the realm of interdimensional healing, we are embarking on a transformative journey that offers unique perspectives and experiences. This exploration allows us to deepen our spiritual connection, gain insights into our true purpose, and expand our awareness of the interconnectedness of all things. Through the practice of interdimensional healing, we can access energetic healing, emotional release, and mental clarity that transcend traditional approaches.

Throughout this journey, it is important to remain open-minded and receptive to the possibilities that interdimensional healing presents. By embracing these practices with curiosity and a willingness to explore beyond the known, we can unlock hidden potentials within ourselves and tap into the vast reservoir of healing energies that surround us. With each step we take into the realms of interdimensional healing, we are opening doorways to profound transformation and growth on a spiritual, emotional, and energetic level.

As we navigate the complexities of interdimensional healing, we invite you to join us on this path of discovery and expansion. Together, we will explore the mysteries of the unseen realms, connect with celestial beings, and harness the power of ancient healing techniques that have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of healing and spiritual growth. Let us embark on this journey of exploration and healing, as we step into new realities and embrace the profound transformations that await us.

About your teacher BDevine®

BDevine® Is an International Accredited Training Provider of Holistic Medicine & Executive practitioner Internationally!

BDevine® has channelled thousands of methods on healing and spiritual practices, and is now offering to teach you all. the right way -the way we have always known, as ancient light beings.

With over 30 years experience worldwide in all forms of spirituality & healing!

The world needs a new way of looking at spirituality, and no more hocus pocus!

Twisted and egotistical unhealed "psychics healers" have almost ruined the Spiritual world today.

This problem can only exist if nobody changes it. BDevine® wants to help the world change and heal, as it was always meant to be. YOU are a part of the great change. YOU have a mission that is bigger than you can imagine! The time is now!!

BDevine® feels that she has been entrusted by higher celestial beings of light, to share the ancient ways, and the ways of the 12D realities, and incorporate this knowledge and healing, into your life, safely, easily and with much life changing force-you will not be able to stop the changes that happen in your lives!

Become a LIGHT LEADER instead of always "WORKING" and teach others to do the same.

You will become so confident and supported as you move forward! WE must be the change and bring back the wellness and abilities that lay dormant within you.

BDevine® offers personal in depth readings, healing, teaching, art and more!

Author of the book “Angelic Guidance” & “Domino Angels” oracle cards.

*Shamanic Healing *Angelic Healing *Reiki Master *Qhht Therapy *Courses *Spiritual Therapy *Psychic/Medium *Animal Communicator *Medical Intuitive *Spiritual Therapy *Universal Channel *Teacher *Mentor

Understanding Astral Healing

Astral healing is a profound practice that involves tapping into the astral plane, a realm of consciousness that exists alongside our physical reality. In this ethereal realm, we can access higher frequencies of energy and connect with spiritual guides, ancestors, and celestial beings to facilitate healing on a deep level. By exploring the astral plane, we can gain insights into our soul's journey, release energetic blockages, and receive guidance for our spiritual growth.

Through astral healing, we can address not only physical ailments but also emotional wounds and mental imbalances. By working with the energy of the astral plane, we can release negative thought patterns, heal past traumas, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and harmony. The astral realm offers a space for profound healing and transformation, allowing us to align with our true essence and reclaim our power as spiritual beings.

A key aspect of astral healing is the practice of astral projection, where we consciously leave our physical body to explore the astral plane. During astral projection, we can travel to different realms, communicate with higher beings, and receive guidance from the spiritual realm. This practice allows us to expand our consciousness, deepen our connection to the divine, and access higher levels of healing and wisdom.

Astral healing is not limited by time or space, allowing us to work with energies from past, present, and future timelines. By tapping into the timeless nature of the astral plane, we can heal unresolved issues from our past lives, clear karmic patterns, and create a more harmonious and balanced experience in the present moment. Astral healing opens up a gateway to multidimensional healing, where we can access the full spectrum of our soul's journey and potential for growth.

In essence, astral healing offers a gateway to the infinite possibilities of the universe, where healing is not bound by physical limitations but guided by the wisdom of the cosmos. By embracing the practice of astral healing, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, spiritual evolution, and profound healing that transcends the boundaries of the physical world. Let us open our hearts and minds to the wonders of astral healing, allowing its transformative power to guide us on our path to wholeness and enlightenment.

Benefits of Integrating Interdimensional Healing

In exploring the benefits of integrating interdimensional healing into our lives, we open ourselves up to a world of spiritual growth and profound transformation. By delving into realms beyond the physical, we can deepen our connection to the universe and gain valuable insights into our purpose and existence. This expansion of consciousness allows us to see beyond the limitations of the material world and tap into a higher wisdom that guides us on our path.

Moreover, the energetic healing potential of interdimensional practices is truly remarkable. By working with unseen energies and dimensions, we can release blockages that hinder our well-being and promote a harmonious balance within ourselves. This energetic realignment can have a ripple effect on our physical, emotional, and mental states, leading to a greater sense of wholeness and vitality. Through interdimensional healing, we can access a powerful source of healing energy that nourishes our entire being.

On an emotional and mental level, integrating interdimensional healing techniques can be profoundly transformative. By addressing deep-seated traumas, negative beliefs, and thought patterns, we can heal emotional wounds and cultivate a more positive mindset. This inner work not only enhances our emotional resilience but also empowers us to navigate life's challenges with greater clarity and grace. Interdimensional healing offers us a holistic approach to healing that embraces the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

In essence, the integration of interdimensional healing into our wellness practices offers a unique and enriching experience. By embracing the mysteries of the unseen realms and harnessing their healing potential, we open ourselves up to a world of infinite possibilities. Through interdimensional healing, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation that transcends the boundaries of the physical world. Let us embrace the wisdom of interdimensional healing and unlock the limitless potential that lies within us.

Practical Applications of Astral Healing

In conclusion, Semester 3 of the Light Leaders Academy is an enlightening journey into the realms of interdimensional and astral healing. We have explored the depths of healing beyond the physical realm, unlocking the mysteries of energies and dimensions that hold profound wisdom and healing potential.

Through our exploration, we have discovered the importance of interdimensional and astral healing in expanding our consciousness and connecting with unseen forces that shape our reality. Despite criticisms and skepticism, the potential benefits of these forms of healing are vast and transformative.

As we continue to integrate interdimensional healing into our lives, we open ourselves up to a world of spiritual evolution and growth. Understanding astral healing and its practical applications allows us to tap into the healing potential of the astral realm, bringing balance and harmony to our mind, body, and spirit.

Together, let us continue on this journey of discovery and growth, embracing the power of interdimensional and astral healing to uplift ourselves and others. May we continue to explore the depths of these transformative practices, unlocking the healing potential that lies within us all. Join us as we continue to expand our consciousness and connect with the unseen forces that shape our reality.

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What is Semester 3 of the Light Leaders Academy about?

Semester 3 focuses on interdimensional and astral healing, exploring the realms beyond the physical and tapping into unseen energies for profound healing and growth.

Why is interdimensional and astral healing important?

These modalities offer a deeper level of healing beyond the physical, connecting us to higher wisdom and consciousness. They provide a holistic approach to well-being and spiritual evolution.

What are the potential benefits of interdimensional and astral healing?

By integrating these practices, individuals may experience spiritual growth, emotional healing, physical wellness, and a deeper connection to the universe. It can also enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

How can one integrate interdimensional and astral healing into their life?

Through exploration, meditation, energy work, and intention setting, individuals can begin to tap into these healing modalities. It is a journey of self-discovery and connection to the divine.

What are some criticisms and skepticism surrounding interdimensional and astral healing?

Skeptics may question the validity of these practices, citing a lack of scientific evidence. However, many practitioners and students have experienced profound healing and transformation through these modalities.

In conclusion, why should one explore interdimensional and astral healing?

By delving into these realms, individuals can expand their consciousness, deepen their spiritual connection, and unlock hidden aspects of themselves. It is a journey of self-discovery and healing unlike any other.

You will be learning at your own pace, and following the videos and audio as well as join the "Semester 3" Support Group.


  Week 1 First Section
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2 -3 Section 2-Journeying
Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Shamanic Journey
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3-4 Interdimensional Shamanic Journeys
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4-8 Power Animals & Webinar
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 9-11 Soul Retrieval
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 12-14 Interdimensional healing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 15-19 remote Viewing (Optional)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 20-22 Final requirements for certificate
Available in days
days after you enroll

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