Welcome to a new journey!

In the captivating course overview of Devine Tarot-101, you will immerse yourself in a transformative experience that delves deep into the mystical world of Tarot. Led by the esteemed BDevine, a seasoned spiritual teacher, this six-week course is designed to guide you on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Get ready to unlock the secrets of Tarot and explore its profound symbolism and significance in a way that is both enlightening and empowering.

Comprehensive Curriculum

Throughout the course, you will engage with a comprehensive curriculum that covers all essential aspects of Tarot reading. From understanding the history and symbolism of Tarot cards to exploring different Tarot spreads and honing your intuition, you will gain a well-rounded understanding of this ancient divination tool. BDevine's expertise and guidance will ensure that you receive expert mentorship and support as you navigate the intricacies of Tarot reading and develop your unique approach to interpretation.

Personal Growth and Transformation

Devine Tarot-101 goes beyond just learning how to read Tarot cards; it is a journey of personal growth and transformation. By using Tarot as a tool for self-reflection and self-discovery, you will gain clarity, make empowered decisions, and navigate life's challenges with confidence. Through practical exercises and hands-on practice, you will deepen your connection to your intuition and develop a profound understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Devine Tarot-101

Course Content

In Devine Tarot-101, you will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth through the exploration of Tarot. Here's a glimpse into the enriching course content that awaits you:

  • Introduction to Tarot Reading: Delve into the history and significance of Tarot as a powerful divination tool. Learn about the various types of Tarot decks, the meanings behind each card, and the symbolism that guides interpretation.
  • Tarot Spreads: Explore a variety of Tarot spreads that cater to different types of questions and situations. Discover how to choose the right spread for each reading and master the art of interpreting the cards within the spread.
  • Intuition Development: Enhance your intuitive abilities under the guidance of BDevine. Engage in exercises and techniques that will help you tap into your inner wisdom and trust your instincts when interpreting Tarot cards.
  • Symbolism and Numerology: Uncover the deep symbolism embedded in Tarot cards and the significance of numbers in Tarot reading. Learn how to interpret these symbols and numerical associations to gain profound insights from the cards.

In this comprehensive course, you will not only learn the technical aspects of Tarot reading but also explore how this ancient practice can be a powerful tool for personal growth and spiritual development. With BDevine's expert guidance, you will unlock the mysteries of Tarot and harness its transformative potential to navigate life's challenges with clarity and confidence. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of symbolism, intuition, and self-discovery as you embark on this enlightening journey with Devine Tarot-101.

Course Delivery

In the realm of course delivery, Devine Tarot-101 offers a seamless online learning experience that transcends geographical boundaries. Embrace the convenience of participating in this transformative journey from the comfort of your own home. The online platform provides access to an array of course materials, including engaging video lessons, insightful reading materials, and interactive exercises. Dive into the mystical world of Tarot at your own pace, allowing flexibility in your schedule to accommodate your spiritual growth.

Engage in meaningful discussions and connect with fellow participants through the online forums provided in the course. Benefit from a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share your passion for Tarot and spiritual exploration. The camaraderie within the support group enhances the learning experience, allowing for valuable insights, shared experiences, and mutual encouragement. Embrace the opportunity to learn from others and build lasting connections as you journey through Devine Tarot-101.

Immerse yourself in a comprehensive curriculum curated by BDevine, a seasoned Tarot reader and teacher with a wealth of experience to guide you. Explore the depths of Tarot interpretation through engaging video lessons, enriching reading materials, and practical exercises that enhance your understanding. Delve into the realms of intuition, symbolism, and personal growth as you navigate the intricacies of Tarot reading under the expert mentorship of BDevine.

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment with Devine Tarot-101. Unveil the mysteries of Tarot and harness its profound insights to illuminate your path towards personal growth and empowerment. Embrace the unique approach of BDevine's teachings, allowing you to develop your intuitive abilities and cultivate your individual style of Tarot interpretation. Step into a world of endless possibilities and embark on a transformative journey like no other with Devine Tarot-101.

Benefits of Devine Tarot-101

Embarking on the journey of Devine Tarot-101 offers a comprehensive learning experience that covers all essential aspects of Tarot reading. Through engaging lessons and practical exercises, you will develop a well-rounded understanding of the mystical art of Tarot. This course ensures that you are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the intricate world of Tarot with confidence and proficiency.

Guided by the experienced mentorship of BDevine, a seasoned Tarot reader and teacher, you will receive expert guidance throughout the course. BDevine's extensive experience brings a unique perspective to Tarot reading, allowing you to explore your intuitive abilities and develop your personalized approach to interpretation. Under her mentorship, you will not only learn the technical aspects of Tarot but also discover how to tap into your inner wisdom for profound insights.

Devine Tarot-101 provides ample opportunities for practical experience, allowing you to hone your Tarot reading skills and receive personalized feedback. Through practice readings and interactive sessions, you will refine your abilities and gain the confidence needed to interpret Tarot cards effectively. This hands-on approach ensures that you not only learn the theory but also engage in real-world applications, preparing you for your own Tarot reading journey.

By enrolling in Devine Tarot-101, you are not just signing up for a course but joining a community of like-minded individuals on a spiritual quest. The support group on Telegram offers a platform for interaction, sharing insights, and practicing readings with fellow students. This sense of community fosters a supportive learning environment where you can connect, learn from each other, and grow together on your Tarot journey.


Joining Devine Tarot-101

Enrolling in Devine Tarot-101 is your gateway to a profound and enriching Tarot learning experience. By joining this course, you are embarking on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth guided by the expert hand of BDevine. Whether you are a beginner seeking to unlock the mysteries of Tarot or a seasoned reader looking to deepen your practice, this course offers valuable insights and teachings that cater to all levels of experience.

Open Enrollment Policy

The enrollment to Devine Tarot-101 is open at all times, allowing you to start your Tarot learning journey whenever you are ready. This flexible enrollment policy ensures that you can embark on this transformative experience at your convenience, without being bound by strict timelines. Take the first step towards mastering the art of Tarot reading and join a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to spiritual exploration and growth.

Access to Exclusive Resources

Upon enrolling in Devine Tarot-101, you gain access to a wealth of exclusive resources and materials curated by BDevine herself. These resources are designed to enhance your learning experience and provide you with valuable insights into the world of Tarot. From video lessons to practice exercises, you will have everything you need to deepen your understanding and proficiency in Tarot reading.

Supportive Community

As a student of Devine Tarot-101, you will become part of a supportive and nurturing community of fellow Tarot enthusiasts. Through the dedicated Telegram group, you can connect with your peers, share experiences, and engage in practice readings to hone your skills. This community serves as a valuable resource for learning, growth, and mutual support as you navigate the intricacies of Tarot reading.

Commencing Your Tarot Journey

Enroll in Devine Tarot-101 today and take the first step towards unlocking the profound wisdom and insights that Tarot has to offer. With BDevine as your guide, you will embark on a transformative six-week journey that will empower you to harness the power of Tarot for personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and intuitive development. Join us in exploring the mystical world of Tarot and discover the magic that awaits you on this enlightening path.

Support Group

Joining the support group for Devine Tarot-101 is like unlocking a treasure trove of learning opportunities and camaraderie. Here, you'll find a community of like-minded individuals eager to explore the mystical world of Tarot alongside you. Through interactive discussions and practice readings, you'll deepen your understanding of Tarot and enhance your intuitive abilities.

In the support group, you'll have the chance to engage in hands-on practice readings, allowing you to fine-tune your Tarot reading skills in a supportive environment. Receive feedback from your peers and BDevine herself, gaining valuable insights and perspectives that will elevate your readings to new heights.

The support group serves as a platform for students to share their experiences, ask questions, and learn from each other's insights. Together, you'll journey through the course, supporting and encouraging each other every step of the way. Forge connections with fellow Tarot enthusiasts and build lasting friendships as you explore the depths of Tarot together.

Enroll in Devine Tarot-101 today and gain access to the supportive and nurturing environment of the Telegram support group. Immerse yourself in a community dedicated to growth, learning, and spiritual exploration. Together, we'll unveil the mysteries of Tarot and empower each other to embrace our intuitive gifts. Join us on this transformative journey and discover the transformative power of Tarot in a supportive and welcoming setting.

Study Pace

Are you concerned about keeping up with the demands of a course while balancing your busy schedule? Fear not, as Devine Tarot-101 offers you the flexibility to study at your own pace. Whether you're a night owl or an early bird, you can access your course work whenever it suits you best. No need to rush through lessons or feel overwhelmed by deadlines – take your time to absorb the material and delve deep into the world of Tarot at a pace that feels comfortable to you.

Immerse yourself in the course content and let the teachings marinate as you progress through the six-week journey. Dive into the intricacies of Tarot reading, unravel the symbolism of each card, and hone your intuitive skills at a rhythm that aligns with your learning style. With the freedom to revisit lessons and engage with the material at your convenience, you can truly absorb the knowledge and insights that Devine Tarot-101 has to offer, without feeling pressured or constrained by time.

Whether you prefer to dedicate a few hours each day to your Tarot studies or immerse yourself in a weekend deep dive, the study pace of Devine Tarot-101 accommodates your unique learning preferences. Delve into the course material at a pace that fosters your understanding and allows you to internalize the wisdom of Tarot in a way that resonates with you. Embrace the freedom to navigate the course at your own speed, empowering you to absorb the teachings thoroughly and apply them to your Tarot practice with confidence.

The beauty of Devine Tarot-101 lies in its adaptability to your schedule and learning rhythm. Explore the depths of Tarot reading and spiritual growth without the constraints of a rigid timetable. Allow the course to unfold organically, guiding you through each lesson at a pace that nurtures your growth and understanding. With the flexibility to engage with the material at your convenience, you can savor the journey of Tarot exploration and self-discovery without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

Embrace the opportunity to embark on a transformative learning experience at a pace that suits your lifestyle and commitments. With Devine Tarot-101, you have the freedom to delve into the mysteries of Tarot at a tempo that aligns with your needs and preferences. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to deepen your connection with Tarot, expand your intuitive abilities, and embark on a soul-enriching journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Bonus Material

Dive deeper into the mystical world of Tarot with the exclusive bonus material offered in the Devine Tarot-101 course. Delve into additional teachings and insights provided directly by BDevine herself, enriching your understanding and enhancing your Tarot reading skills. This bonus content is a special opportunity to expand your knowledge and connect with the wisdom of an experienced spiritual teacher.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth as you explore the bonus material tailored to complement your Tarot learning experience. Gain access to hidden gems of wisdom and guidance that will empower you to navigate the complexities of life with clarity and confidence. The bonus material serves as a valuable resource to amplify your spiritual journey and deepen your connection with the Tarot cards.

Immerse yourself in teachings that go beyond the conventional and tap into the transformative power of Tarot with the bonus material provided in the course. Unlock hidden meanings, symbolism, and intuitive insights that will elevate your Tarot readings to new heights. This additional content is a testament to BDevine's commitment to providing a comprehensive and enriching learning experience for all participants.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to expand your Tarot knowledge and skills through the bonus material included in Devine Tarot-101. Embrace the teachings and guidance offered by BDevine, and let them inspire you on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. The bonus material is designed to enhance your learning experience and empower you to become a confident and intuitive Tarot reader.

Unique Learning Experience

Discover the transformative power of Tarot with Devine Tarot-101, a course led by the renowned spiritual teacher BDevine. Throughout the six-week journey, you will delve into the mystical world of Tarot and uncover its secrets in ways that are both enlightening and inspiring. With over 32 years of experience, BDevine brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique approach to Tarot reading that will guide you on your spiritual path like never before.


Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth with Devine Tarot-101. Join BDevine and a community of like-minded individuals as you delve into the realms of Tarot and unlock its profound wisdom. Enroll today and experience a truly unique learning experience that will transform your perspective and empower you on your spiritual journey.

Everything in a nutshell

*Requirements-Tarot Card Deck of your choosing & journal

*Learn all the information you need to be unique and intuitive reader.

*Add this to your existing healing work to connect with your clients.

*Open your psychic abilities with expert lessons designed to increase your spiritual power!

*Change your life and begin your own online or in person business with confidence!

*Learn how to deal with troubled clients, and troubleshoot easily.

*Learn about many different types of readings, and different cards.

*Work at your own pace!

*Special Activations and attunements-meditations and declarations to change your life!

*Spiritual Etiquette for readings


BDevine® -International Holistic Medicine Executive Practitioner & Accredited Training Provider-

This is a fully accredited worldwide Course!

All courses with BDevine® are now fully accredited, and as a student, you will also be given the chance to earn your own accreditation through me!

In the labyrinth of spiritual confusion, BDevine® stands as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards authentic spiritual awakening. Born with an insatiable thirst for spiritual knowledge, BDevine® embarked on a transformative journey, traversing the mystical realms and unraveling the secrets of the universe.

Through years of dedicated study and practice, BDevine® has become a beacon of wisdom, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern understanding. With a deep reverence for the timeless teachings of the masters, BDevine® has honed the ability to distill the essence of profound spiritual truths and present them in a relatable, practical manner.

But what sets BDevine® apart from the sea of spiritual gurus? It is the unwavering commitment to authenticity, integrity, and compassion. Within the realm of spirituality, there are many false prophets, charlatans seeking to exploit the vulnerability of seekers. BDevine® is here to shatter those illusory facades, unveiling the true essence of spirituality.

Through BDevine®'s renowned courses, seekers are not merely passive recipients of knowledge. Instead, they are empowered to become active participants in their own spiritual evolution. Whether it is through crystal healing, energy medicine, or intuitive development, BDevine® guides individuals to unlock their innate potential, igniting the divine flame within their souls.

In the realm of holistic medicine, BDevine® is a pioneer, combining ancient wisdom with cutting-edge scientific research. Each modality taught by BDevine® integrates the mind, body, and spirit, creating a harmonious symphony of healing that reverberates through every aspect of one's being.

But it is not just knowledge and techniques that BDevine® imparts; it is a profound sense of connection. Beyond the physical realm, beyond the limitations of the ego, BDevine® invites seekers to delve into the depths of their souls, rediscovering the inherent interconnectedness of all creation.

So, if you are weary of the deception that permeates the spiritual landscape, if you hunger for genuine, transformative wisdom, then heed the call of BDevine®. Embark on a sacred journey of self-discovery, unravel the mysteries of the universe, and unlock the radiant light that resides within. Embrace the divine invitation to step into your fullest potential and become the embodiment of love, peace, and enlightenment. The path awaits, and BDevine® will be there, guiding you onward!


What is Devine Tarot-101?

Devine Tarot-101 is a six-week intensive course led by spiritual teacher BDevine® aimed at teaching the nuances of reading Tarot in unique and inspirational ways.

Who is BDevine®?

BDevine®is a seasoned spiritual teacher with over 34 years of experience in Tarot reading and teaching, known for her transformative approach to the practice.

What can I expect from the course?

Throughout the course, you will explore the mystical world of Tarot, uncovering its secrets and learning how to harness its power to guide and inspire you on your spiritual journey.

How is the course delivered?

The course is delivered online, allowing you to study at your own pace and engage with a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

What are the benefits of enrolling in Devine Tarot-101?

By enrolling in this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of Tarot, enhance your spiritual insight, and develop the skills to read Tarot in a unique and inspiring way.

How can I enroll in Devine Tarot-101?

To enroll in Devine Tarot-101, simply click enroll now and sign up for the course.

use paypal at checkoutn for 6 months interest free payments!

Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the power of Tarot in your life.


  First Section
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days after you enroll
  Week Two
Available in days
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  Week 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4
Available in days
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  Week 5
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  Week 6
Available in days
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  Week 7
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  week 8
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 9
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  Resources ^ More
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  New readings to try
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  Business Tips Tarot
Available in days
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